
One of my friends approached me asking if I had any experience animating graphs, since I had experience with video editing. Though I had not had any formal experience, I decided that it would be a interesting challenge to embark.

I did some research and found a tutorial as seen in the section "Working Through Matplotlib Animation Tutorial"


Tracking a Line Through Time


Plotting a Dot and Tracking Across Velocity Curve


Generating The Gifs

To generate these gifs, I used ffmpeg to convert the mp4s to gifs.

To convert the mp4s to gifs, I opened my directory in the terminal and ran the following ffmpeg command, after converting the video to gif, I added and pushed the files to github. Since github does not show local embeds, I embedded the url of the gif from the github repository.

ffmpeg -i line_tracking_animated.mp4 line_tracking_animated.gif

Alternatively, if you have ffmpeg installed, you can run the following cell to run it in a jupyter cell

Breakdown of the command

  • ffmpeg tells the terminal to use ffmpeg
  • -i tells ffmpeg the input
  • line_tracking_animated.mp4 tells ffmpeg the source file
  • line_tracking_animated.gif tells ffmpeg the output file title and format
!ffmpeg -i line_tracking_animated.mp4 line_tracking_animated.gif
!ffmpeg -i dot_tracking_animated.mp4 dot_tracking_animated.gif

Importing Libraries + Loading Data

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML  
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText
df = pd.read_csv("velocity.csv")
Time (ms) Velocity (m/s)
0 0 0.03
1 17 0.03
2 34 0.03
3 50 0.03
4 67 0.03
... ... ...
1314 22167 0.89
1315 22183 0.89
1316 22200 0.41
1317 22217 0.41
1318 22233 0.41

1319 rows × 2 columns

print("max time") 
display(df["Time (ms)"].max())

print("min time")
display(df["Time (ms)"].min())

display(df["Velocity (m/s)"][1])

print("Max Velocity")
display(df["Velocity (m/s)"].max())

print("Final time")
display(df["Time (ms)"].iloc[-1]*60/1000)

print("Final time rounded")
display(int(round(df["Time (ms)"].iloc[-1]*60/1000, 1)))

print("column titles")
column_titles = list(df.columns.values) 
max time
min time
Max Velocity
Final time
Final time rounded
column titles
['Time (ms)', 'Velocity (m/s)']

Plotting Function

I wrote the animateGraph after modifying Matplotlib Animation Tutorial to work for my velocity data from the Having Line Plotted Through Time section and later Having a Dot Tracking Along the Velocity Curve.

The function takes the general structure of the respective and makes it into a single function

Explanation of Inputs

  • df input DataFrame
  • x_column column title for x axis
  • y_column column title for y axis
  • dot_track takes yes or no, if it is not yes, it will default to the line graph
  • framerate integer that specifies the video's framerate

Explanation of Variables

Setting Up Data Section

  • x_df DataFrame of just the x values, I seperated the x and y DataFrames to make it easier to follow in the animation function
  • y_df DataFrame of just the x values, I seperated the x and y DataFrames to make it easier to follow in the animation function
  • x_max maximum of the x values, used to set the bounds of x axis
  • y_max maximum of the y values, used to set the bounds of y axis, added 2 to make space for the time and velocity printouts
  • last_index used to prevent Keyerror, see Figuring out Keyerror section for a more in depth explanation

Graph Type Settings Section

  • plot_dot boolean used to decide which animation to use, if True will have animation output the dot tracker on graph
  • graph_type string used to keep track of the animation, used for filename
    • can be either dot_tracking or line_tracking

Animation Settings

  • time_seconds takes last entry of x value to get the duration of the data converts from miliseconds to seconds, used later for totalFrames animation duration calculation
  • totalFrames product of framerate and time_seconds to get the number of frames for matplotlib to animate

Setting Up The Figure

Setting Up Positions of X and Y Outputs For Value

  • I followed the example set by the matplotlib wiki from Text properties and layout
  • y_value_print text object, will set the y value, for the demo, we use velocity set for right and top is updated frame by frame in the animate(i) function
  • x_value_print text object, will set the x value, for the demo, we use time set for left and top is updated frame by frame in the animate(i) function

Setting Up The Line Plot

  • I used the plot_dot to determine which graph should be plotted
    • if plot_dot is True, we will plot the existing graph and have the dot
    • if plot_dot is False, we will plot the graph sections frame by frame
  • To get the red dot, I read the instructions of the different passable arguments from the matplotlib wiki from matplotlib.pyplot.plot

Initialization Function: Plot The Background of Each Frame

  • I kept the example set from the guide see Working Through Matplotlib Animation Tutorial for more details

Animation Function. This Is Called Sequentially

  • This section is broken up into two parts,
    1. Checking if the function reaches the last value of the DataFrame
    2. updating the x and y column print outs
  • To check if the function has reached the last value of the DataFrame, we have a if conditional that checks if the animate function has reached the end of the DataFrame, if it does, then it will use the value at last_index, we want it to keep the last value to avoid the Keyerror as explained in the later experimental section
  • Next, the function will set the x_value and y_value to be the final index value
    • x_value and y_value is used for animating the labels for the values of x and y
  • Afterwards the function follow a second if statement, which will check if plot_dot is true or false
    • if plot_dot is False, the function will output everything up until the current i index value.
      • This is used for the animation that plots graph sections frame by frame
    • if plot_dot is True, the function will output the current i index value.
      • This is used for the animation that plots the point frame by frame
  • The next section will update the x and y column print out values for each frame I took inspiration from Matplotlib animations the easy way specifically the "Changing labels and text" section
    • values_x is a string variable that stores the x column title, adds colons, and the x value
    • values_y is a string variable that stores the y column title, adds colons, and the y value
    • After setting values_x and values_y we use .set_text() to update the y_value_print and x_value_print each time
  • Once all the variables have been updated, animate(i) will return the line to the animation.FuncAnimation(), which will continue until it reaches the last frame

Save The Animation as an mp4.

  • I did not make significant changes to the original, I only changed the filename to match the graph type.
    • I wanted the filename to be the ' x_column vs y_column graph_type _animated.mp4'
    • The ideal file name would be 'Velocity_(m/s)_vs_Time (ms)_line_tracking_animated.mp4
      • When I tried parsing the x_column as a string, python had serious issues with the slash (/) part of (m/s), enough so that it would prevent the file from being saved
      • An potential alternative solution would to change m/s to ms^-1, but it require changing the data or engineering a solution that read the units and replaced slashes with unit^-1. After evaluating the alternatives, I realized it would be easier to rename the file. If this function were used to generate hundreds of graphs from hundreds of source files, I would need to find a better solution. Since the purpose of this function is to make it easier to change between the dot and line tracking, I did not invest any further time into developing an alternative solution
def animateGraph(df,x_column, y_column, dot_track, framerate):
# Setting up data
    x_df = df[x_column]
    y_df = df[y_column]
    x_max = int(np.ceil(df[x_column].max()))
    y_max = int(np.ceil(df[y_column].max())) + 2
    last_index = len(df)-1

# Check if we are plotting the graph or a graph + dot
    if(dot_track.lower() == "yes"):
        plot_dot = True
        graph_type = "dot_tracking"
        plot_dot = False  
        graph_type = "line_tracking"
# Animation settings
    time_seconds = x_df.iloc[-1]/1000
    totalFrames = int(round(framerate * time_seconds))

# Setting up the figure
    fig = plt.figure()
    fig.set_size_inches(20, 12)
    fig.savefig('test2png.png', dpi=100)
    plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 24})

# Setting up the axes    
    ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, x_max), ylim=(0, y_max))
    ax.set(title= x_column + ' vs ' + y_column,
           ylabel= y_column,
           xlabel= x_column,
# Setting up the positions of velocity and time outputs
    left, width = .1, .75
    bottom, height = .25, .73
    right = left + width
    top = bottom + height
    y_value_print = ax.text(right, top, "y value", 
    x_value_print = ax.text(left, top, "x value", 
# Setting up the line plot    
    if(plot_dot == True):
        plt.plot(x_df, y_df)
        line, = plt.plot([], [], linestyle='none', marker = 'o', ms = 10, color='r')
        line, = plt.plot(x_df, y_df)

# initialization function: plot the background of each frame
    def init():
        line.set_data([], [])
        return line,  

# animation function. This is called sequentially
    def animate(i):
        if(i > last_index):
            x_value = x_df[last_index]
            y_value = y_df[last_index]
            if(plot_dot == False):
                x = x_df[0:last_index]
                y = y_df[0:last_index]
                x = x_df[last_index]
                y = y_df[last_index]
            x_value = x_df[i]
            y_value = y_df[i]
            if(plot_dot == False):
                x = x_df[0:i]
                y = y_df[0:i]
                x = x_df[i]
                y = y_df[i]
        line.set_data(x, y)
    # Update the figure with x and y values    
        values_x = x_column + ": " + str(x_value)
        values_y = y_column + ": " + str(y_value)
        return line,
# call the animator.  blit=True means only re-draw the parts that have changed.
    anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,frames = totalFrames, interval=0, blit=False)

# save the animation as an mp4.  This requires ffmpeg or mencoder to be
# installed.  The extra_args ensure that the x264 codec is used, so that
# the video can be embedded in html5.  You may need to adjust this for
# your system: for more information, see
# + '_animated.mp4', fps=framerate, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])
animateGraph(df,"Time (ms)", "Velocity (m/s)", "yes", 60)
animateGraph(df,"Time (ms)", "Velocity (m/s)", "no", 60)

Working Through Matplotlib Animation Tutorial

I used Jake Vanderplas's sine wave example posted below as a base to understand how matplotlib animates. I modified it to make it work with the velocity and time data I was given from my friend.

Matplotlib Animation Example

author: Jake Vanderplas
license: BSD
Please feel free to use and modify this, but keep the above information. Thanks!

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation

# First set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, 2), ylim=(-2, 2))
line, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2)

# initialization function: plot the background of each frame
def init():
    line.set_data([], [])
    return line,

# animation function.  This is called sequentially
def animate(i):
    x = np.linspace(0, 2, 1000)
    y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * (x - 0.01 * i))
    line.set_data(x, y)
    return line,

# call the animator.  blit=True means only re-draw the parts that have changed.
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
                               frames=200, interval=20, blit=True)

# save the animation as an mp4.  This requires ffmpeg or mencoder to be
# installed.  The extra_args ensure that the x264 codec is used, so that
# the video can be embedded in html5.  You may need to adjust this for
# your system: for more information, see
#'basic_animation.mp4', fps=30, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])

Having Line Plotted Through Time

From the base I added my own modifications titled Tracking a Line Through time, which included

  • setting variables for velocity (y_df) and time (x_df) dataframes
  • setting maximums for x and y
  • setting a time_seconds variable that converts the time in milliseconds to seconds
  • setting a framerate variable that sets the framerate of the graph
  • setting a totalFrames variable that sets the duration of the animation
  • increasing the figure size from 64x64 to a bigger 18.5x10.4 inch higher resolution figure with fig.set_size_inches()
  • increasing the framerate to 60 frames a second (setting framerate to 60), which makes the plot smoother
    • only downside is that it will take extra time to encode the final mp4
  • modifying the limits.
  • adding titles for the figure
  • having the the animation plot the figure as time passes, rather needing a known function to plot it
x_df = df["Time (ms)"]
y_df = df["Velocity"]
x_max = int(np.ceil(df["Time (ms)"].max()))
y_max = int(np.ceil(df["Velocity"].max()))

time_seconds = x_df.iloc[-1]/1000
framerate = 60
totalFrames = int(round(framerate * time_seconds))

# First set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5)
fig.savefig('test2png.png', dpi=100)

# transparency settings for the figure

ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, x_max), ylim=(0, y_max))
ax.set(title='Velocity vs Time',
           xlabel="Time (ms)")

line, = plt.plot(x_df, y_df)

# initialization function: plot the background of each frame
def init():
    line.set_data([], [])
    return line,

# animation function.  This is called sequentially
def animate(i):
    x = x_df[0:i]
    print("i", i)
    y = y_df[0:i]
    line.set_data(x, y)
    return line,

# call the animator.  blit=True means only re-draw the parts that have changed.
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,frames = totalFrames, interval=0, blit=False)

# save the animation as an mp4.  This requires ffmpeg or mencoder to be
# installed.  The extra_args ensure that the x264 codec is used, so that
# the video can be embedded in html5.  You may need to adjust this for
# your system: for more information, see
#'basic_animation.mp4', fps=framerate, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])
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Learning How Matplotlib plots

In the following cells, I experimented with the ranges for which data to be plotted. Once I figured out putting start:end into a dataframe, I used this for the first function

With an understanding of this property I was able to have the graph from 0 to the value at the specific frame.

plt.plot(x_df[0:100], y_df[0:100])

Messing with labels

When I intially made the velocity and time printouts, I thought about using AnchoredText boxes and having each frame update the boxes. Using this method was not the best as it made the processing of the animation take longer and the text boxes would not overlap. Later I learned how to animate text.

Although not shown here, I later found <a href => a very helpful guide that demonstrated animating text and labels </a>. I did not know that I could incoorperate text changes in the animate fucntion with on matplotlib. I implemented most of the changes of set_text() and ax.text() in the animateGraph() section. It was easier to modify animateGraph() as I could run it to get a output and would not have the same code in 3 other places of the notebook.

Another goal of this section was to experiment with matplotlib to get the outputs to my liking. I learned <a href => I could change the graph size with</a> fig.set_size_inches()

fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5)
fig.savefig('test2png.png', dpi=100)

ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, x_max), ylim=(0, y_max+2))
ax.set(title='Velocity vs Time',
           xlabel="Time (ms)")
at1 = AnchoredText(x_df[100],
    prop=dict(size=15), frameon=True,
    loc='upper left',
at2 = AnchoredText(y_df[100],
    prop=dict(size=15), frameon=True,
    loc='upper right',

at3 = AnchoredText(1.3,
    prop=dict(size=15), frameon=True,
    loc='upper right',

plt.plot(x_df[0:100], y_df[0:100])

I used these print statements to figure out why my maxes were not being rounded to the nearest whole number.

Initially, I tried using round( #number, #decimal places), from Stackoverflow but the native function concatenated for values such as 20.5 to 20 instead of 21

Eventually I found a detailed explanation behind the native python round() function from RealPython, in addition to suggested alternative functions and libraries I could use that would solve the issue I was running into. The suggestion was to use ceil from the math libraries. I ended up using ceil from the numpy libraries since I didn't want to import another library

print("y_max:", df["Time (ms)"].max())

print("y_max ceil rounding:", np.ceil(df["Time (ms)"].max()))

print("x_max:", df["Velocity"].max())

print("x_max ceil rounding:", np.ceil(df["Velocity"].max()))

print("issue rounded y_max (Time):", int(round(df["Time (ms)"].max(),1)))

print("issue rounded x_max (Velocity):", int(round(df["Velocity"].max(),1)))

Having a Dot Tracking Along the Velocity Curve

After making my modifications, I copied my modified version and further adjusted it further titled Having a Dot Tracking Along the Velocity Curve to print the plot first and have a single point track along the plotted graph

Changes from the original Having Line Plotted Through time

  • added red dot for tracking instead of line
    • used following additional arguments to set the dot linestyle='none', marker = 'o', ms = 10, color='r', I learned of these parameters from adrian prince-whelan's demonstration of Making a Matplotlib animation with a transparent background
    • linestyle='none' prevents lines from being drawn
    • marker = 'o' sets the dot
    • ms = 10 sets the dot size
    • color='r' sets the dot color
  • messing with video transparency as well from the same post
    • main issue right now is getting the correct save settings
  • changed x linspace value to have the previous frame
    • added conditional where at i=0, i would start at 0 instead of -1 when calling the x_df[i-1] and x_df[i] dataframe entry
x_df = df["Time (ms)"]
y_df = df["Velocity (m/s)"]
x_max = int(np.ceil(df["Time (ms)"].max()))
y_max = int(np.ceil(df["Velocity (m/s)"].max()))

time_seconds = x_df.iloc[-1]/1000
framerate = 60
totalFrames = len(df)

# First set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5)
fig.savefig('test2png.png', dpi=100)

# transparency settings for the figure

ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, x_max), ylim=(0, y_max))
ax.set(title='Velocity vs Time',
           xlabel="Time (ms)")

# transparency settings for the plot area

plt.plot(x_df, y_df)
line, = plt.plot([], [], linestyle='none', marker = 'o', ms = 10, color='r')

# initialization function: plot the background of each frame
def init():
    line.set_data([], [])
    return line,

# animation function.  This is called sequentially
def animate(i):
    x = x_df[i]
    y = y_df[i]
    line.set_data(x, y)
    return line,

# call the animator.  blit=True means only re-draw the parts that have changed.
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,frames = totalFrames, interval=0, blit=True)

# save the animation as an mp4.  This requires ffmpeg or mencoder to be
# installed.  The extra_args ensure that the x264 codec is used, so that
# the video can be embedded in html5.  You may need to adjust this for
# your system: for more information, see
#'dot_tracking_animation_test.mp4', fps=framerate, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])

Figuring out Keyerror

While running Dot Tracking Along the Velocity Curve I got a consistent keyerror when plotting i. The following code blocks helped me debug the values of i for each iteration.

I later realized that the keyerror was caused by my totalFrames calculation, which took the last value of the data (milliseconds converted to seconds), multiplied it by the framerate, and was rounded to get total number of frames. Before changing to use the length of the dataframe, the totalFrames was 1333.98, which was rounded to 1334. The keyerror occured because animate(i) uses the frames variable as a index. Once animate reached the length of the dataframe (1319) the animation stopped, but in the animation.FuncAnimation() function continued to pass values in for i. When computing for x, this caused a keyerror since animation.FuncAnimation() would continue to feed values in for i, but in the dataframe no such values existed.

To prevent this from happening, I added a conditional that when we reached the end of the dataframe, we would use the last value of the dataframe.

x_df = df["Time (ms)"]
y_df = df["Velocity (m/s)"]

for i in x_df:
    x = x_df[i]
    #print("i = ",i,",", "a = ",a)
    y = y_df[i]
    print("i = ", i, "x = ", x, ",", "y = ",y)
i =  0 x =  0 , y =  0.03

i =  17 x =  284 , y =  0.03

i =  34 x =  567 , y =  2.67

i =  50 x =  834 , y =  1.3

i =  67 x =  1134 , y =  10.33

i =  84 x =  1467 , y =  19.06

i =  100 x =  1734 , y =  20.01

i =  117 x =  2017 , y =  20.01

i =  134 x =  2300 , y =  6.73

i =  150 x =  2567 , y =  1.14

i =  167 x =  2850 , y =  0.0

i =  184 x =  3134 , y =  0.0

i =  200 x =  3400 , y =  0.0

i =  217 x =  3684 , y =  0.0

i =  234 x =  3967 , y =  4.01

i =  250 x =  4234 , y =  10.0

i =  267 x =  4517 , y =  3.24

i =  284 x =  4800 , y =  6.94

i =  300 x =  5067 , y =  4.32

i =  317 x =  5400 , y =  6.66

i =  334 x =  5684 , y =  3.74

i =  350 x =  5950 , y =  5.6

i =  367 x =  6234 , y =  4.38

i =  384 x =  6517 , y =  10.64

i =  400 x =  6784 , y =  15.76

i =  417 x =  7067 , y =  20.07

i =  434 x =  7350 , y =  20.09

i =  450 x =  7617 , y =  0.45

i =  467 x =  7900 , y =  4.64

i =  484 x =  8184 , y =  10.0

i =  500 x =  8450 , y =  10.0

i =  517 x =  8733 , y =  10.0

i =  534 x =  9017 , y =  10.0

i =  550 x =  9283 , y =  6.32

i =  567 x =  9567 , y =  8.59

i =  584 x =  9850 , y =  2.56

i =  600 x =  10117 , y =  3.77

i =  617 x =  10400 , y =  15.77

i =  634 x =  10683 , y =  20.17

i =  650 x =  10950 , y =  20.5

i =  667 x =  11233 , y =  15.99

i =  684 x =  11517 , y =  13.51

i =  700 x =  11783 , y =  10.74

i =  717 x =  12067 , y =  8.74

i =  734 x =  12350 , y =  5.64

i =  750 x =  12617 , y =  8.87

i =  767 x =  12900 , y =  13.08

i =  784 x =  13184 , y =  2.68

i =  800 x =  13450 , y =  0.01

i =  817 x =  13734 , y =  2.56

i =  834 x =  14017 , y =  10.0

i =  850 x =  14284 , y =  10.01

i =  867 x =  14567 , y =  10.0

i =  884 x =  14850 , y =  10.0

i =  900 x =  15117 , y =  10.01

i =  917 x =  15400 , y =  10.0

i =  934 x =  15684 , y =  10.0

i =  967 x =  16234 , y =  10.0

i =  984 x =  16517 , y =  10.02

i =  1000 x =  16784 , y =  13.24

i =  1017 x =  17117 , y =  20.0

i =  1034 x =  17400 , y =  18.88

i =  1050 x =  17667 , y =  18.0

i =  1067 x =  17950 , y =  18.0

i =  1084 x =  18234 , y =  18.01

i =  1100 x =  18500 , y =  18.28

i =  1117 x =  18784 , y =  18.09

i =  1134 x =  19067 , y =  17.36

i =  1150 x =  19334 , y =  17.2

i =  1167 x =  19717 , y =  17.59

i =  1184 x =  20000 , y =  15.97

i =  1200 x =  20267 , y =  15.02

i =  1217 x =  20550 , y =  15.48

i =  1234 x =  20833 , y =  15.09

i =  1250 x =  21100 , y =  15.05

i =  1267 x =  21383 , y =  3.15

i =  1284 x =  21667 , y =  8.25

i =  1300 x =  21933 , y =  5.85

i =  1317 x =  22217 , y =  0.41

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-9d1447f8ceb4> in <module>
      4 for i in x_df:
----> 5     x = x_df[i]
      6     #print("i = ",i,",", "a = ",a)
      7     y = y_df[i]

~/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __getitem__(self, key)
   1069         key = com.apply_if_callable(key, self)
   1070         try:
-> 1071             result = self.index.get_value(self, key)
   1073             if not is_scalar(result):

~/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_value(self, series, key)
   4728         k = self._convert_scalar_indexer(k, kind="getitem")
   4729         try:
-> 4730             return self._engine.get_value(s, k, tz=getattr(series.dtype, "tz", None))
   4731         except KeyError as e1:
   4732             if len(self) > 0 and (self.holds_integer() or self.is_boolean()):

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_value()

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_value()

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.Int64HashTable.get_item()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.Int64HashTable.get_item()

KeyError: 1334
Time (ms)    22233.00
Velocity         0.41
Name: 1318, dtype: float64
display(framerate * time_seconds)

Messing with a overlapping graph

while looking for solutions to animate the velocity and time outputs, I stumbled upon a method to use subplots. If I come back to this project, I would want to make a line tracing option, where a line plot is generated, and another plot will overlap

fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5)
fig.savefig('test2png.png', dpi=100)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x_df, y_df)
plt.plot(x_df[0:100], y_df[0:100])
!jupyter nbconvert  Animating-Velocity-Graph.ipynb --to html
[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook Animating-Velocity-Graph.ipynb to html
[NbConvertApp] Writing 812059 bytes to Animating-Velocity-Graph.html